Pop-Up Village

City in a Village project by CiViChon Collective

Napoli-Naples Maps

A Napoli where the Gulf and the Vesuvio (+Somma mountain) have the same shape.

The logo ambigram of "Napoli" with the "NapoleTao" of the 4 elements, Land, Fire, Air and Water

Matching together the Gulf and the Vesuvio the satellite map become the sky on the volcano and viceversa the Vesuvio become the sea of Napoli

In the version belaw, the eruction lava in red correspond to the historical area of naples (central-magma) and the green volcanic bombs ejected in the sky from the Vesuvio correspond to the places hit by the angloamerican bombs during the second world war. (Poster realized for "il Vuoto Proprio")

The same concept of map printed for the first emission of the napolitain currency SCEC in 2006

Napoli Pataphysic Clubs

Map of Napoli based on the neapolitan card (3 of clubs) symbol of the Parthenopean Institute of pataphysics 


Islandization of Naples

Lakefication of Naples

Adriaticfication of Naples

Roma-Rome Maps

EuRoma: European Roma Mapping

The Tevere river draw a little Europe made of some Roma camps

Kaleidoscopic Roma Camps 2008 (Castel Romano, Rome)

Kaleidoscopic Roma Camps 2008 (Tor di Quinto, Rome)


Water Islands (Italy), Holes in the territorial water

effective 10 miles

2 potential islands: "Razza" (in the middle of Tuscania Archipelago) e "Delfino" (in the middle of Pontine Archipelago)

Dante Cosmology

Dudeney Map

City Planet