PangaeaHedron - the Dimensional Drift

This map was created using the dynamics of a three-dimensional sphere that has been opened to form a two dimensional flat surface.

I started by drawing the coastlines directly onto the sphere. In some places I left the coastlines as they were because they already fit together perfectly (a famous example of this is the match between the coastlines of Africa and South America). In other places I had to somewhat force these matches. 

On my finished map, when the sphere is closed and complete, all of the continents fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. There aren’t any gaps between them and there aren’t any oceans. The Hadean Eon geological period proto-Earth was probably much like this. 

When I cut along my coastlines and opened the sphere, the continents fanned out into a position similar to that of an Azimuthal map projection. The gaps that were generated between the continents had a total area comparable with that of the present-day oceans. The resulting surface, however, still had bulges so I decided to cut along the principal rivers in order to flatten the two dimensional map. As I "opened up" the valleys, I was surprised to see the formation of mountain chains.


This PangaeaHedron - Dimensional Drift map is still work in progress. My intention is to create a sphere or multi-faceted polyhedron which can be easily opened and closed. I hope to show, in true Pataphysical style, continental drift theory and the formation of rivers and mountains in the transition from a three-dimensional solid form to a two-dimensional flat form. 

Pyramidal PangaeaHedron